Refund and Cancellation Policy refund and cancellation policy applies to all students for all online courses.

How is it possible to cancel your enrollment?
To cancel a course registration, students must email  ad*******@sc******.dev  between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST time; Monday to Friday. Students will receive an email to confirm the cancellation.

Refund request for students who choose to withdraw:
A student may cancel the registration up to 5 days prior to the starting date. in this case, a full refund will be provided. However, students can get full refund after the starting date only before the start of the second lesson. after the start of second lesson, refunds are not applicable.

Refunds request in the case of rescheduled or canceled course:
In the event of a course being rescheduled, the student will be notified. The students will be given the options either to get full refund or attend the next scheduled course date.

Missing lessons or being late:
The students are expected and must attend the scheduled lessons on time. being late to the lesson beyond 5 minutes or more, the student will be considered absent and will not be admitted to the online class. The student must notify the tutor ( ad*******@sc******.dev ) in the case planned absence for an emergency at least 4 hours prior to the scheduled start time of the lesson.

Dismissal from a lesson or the course:
If the student shows improper behaviour in the online session, the student will be immediately dismissed from the online session. If the student shows improper behaviour in two or more occasions, the student will be dismissed from the course without any refund. The students are expected to respect all attendees in the online session.